1. Something you hate about yourself. My skin (not the colour )
2. Something you love about yourself. Craziness
3. Something you have to forgive yourself for. Not dreaming big enough
4. Something that you have to forgive someone for. Judgements
5. Something you wish to happen in your life. Marry rich
6. Something you wish never to happen in your life. Die at an early age
7. Someone who has made your life worth living. Her
8. Someone who has made your life hell, or treated you like shit. Them
9. Someone you don’t want to let go, or just drifted. Her
10.Someone you need to let go, or wish you did not know. Her
11. Something that people always compliments you on most.
12.Something you never get compliments on. My hair
13.A band or artist that has gotten you tough ass days. Adele
14. A hero that has let you down. Tooth Fairy
15.Something or someone that you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it. Her
16. Someone or something that you definitely live without. Myself
17. A book you’ve read that changed your views on something. Endless
18. Your views on gay marriage. All for it
19. Your views on drugs and alcohol. Something’s we can do without
20. (scenario) your best friend is involved in car accident and you two had a fight an hour
before what do you do. Save her then make-out
21. Something you wish had not done in your life. Started schooling
22.Something you wish you had done in your life. Took a gap year
23. Make a play list to someone and explain you chose the songs. It's coming....
24. The reason you believe you still alive today. I’ve not achieved my purpose on earth
25. Have you ever thought of giving up in life? If so, when and why. Never
26. What is the best going for you right now? My friends and family
27.What if you’re pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do. See a shrink
28. A letter to yourself telling yourself everything you love about yourself. Still Drafting
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