Monday, June 20, 2011

And then my phone rings................

I’m in the process of changing my number. Since I’m only technological skilled to utilise Facebook and not Mxit this means I’m limited to make calls and text with my phone.  So lately I’ve gotten tired of answering deep breathing phone calls, random texts and please call me. Already have my plate full with the people that I talk too so have these random ass phone calls….
On a normal week this is how my phone line looks like:
My phone calls have determining factors. Throughout the day I’ve received texts and calls that determine how my late night convo’s are going to go (someone once said that nothing well ever happens after dark. True that I say) problem they are very unpredictable. Another determent to these calls is how they ended night before. Lastly is the person that I’m going to talk to. So let’s say I’m talking to person” A” she has tendency wanting to know every breathing moment of my day (so that she can pick a fight. I think). We then fight about some element of my day like: why is that I don’t eat or why I’m fighting with my mom and why is it that I  didn’t reply to her text. I avoid the subject and ask about her day she tells me after that we gossip. Somehow we end the call with us fighting again (which we do 3-5 times a week). 
Then I call person “I” to hear the latest in her life.  She likes to keep (and to be kept) me in the loop. She’s my friend with certain benefits so we deem it necessary to keep our relationship up to date. With her she tells about her latest love gone wrong stories and then she compares it to what it would be like if I was the girl in question (and mind you it always works out for the best with me). Then I tell her about who is giving me grieve, her consolation to this is “had it been me I would’ve have never done that to you “. Person” I” waltzed into my life just at the right moment. She flatters me and I stroke her ego. We good for each other we are others drawing boards.  We normally close it off with a one day is one day and I’m going to get you and i say you already found me.
Depending on the time of the month I’ll talk to my favourite ‘boy’ (we still going to get married someday). I and she met unexpectedly. I borrowed someone my phone, they made a call to her and they left her number there. Next day some random chick calls demanding to know the 5 “W” (who, why, when, what, where). Since I don’t entertain such, I hung up. Later in the day I get a call from the same number, just to set record straight I answer only to find a different voice and pleasant manners on other end. The caller is apologising for the call made earlier. Apparently it was a concerned (jealous) girlfriend looking out for her better half, and other thing the caller wanted know how my number got to her phone. I told her Wandi called her last night using my so phone that’s how. She introduced herself as Wandi cousin and that it was high time that we should meet she heard a lot about but I never met me.
We use to talk twice a month just to touch base. When we spoke recently (she was messenger so I could not shoot her) she wanted to know what went wrong (I love her cause she ‘neutral’). She understood that her cousin was in the wrong but failed understand why I can’t forgive and move on (over this little hiccup). Like everybody else in the family she thought I was good for Wandi (I still am). So the last we spoke she related Wandi words (feelings) to the point and left me feeling guilty. I still not ready to talk to her. i think i sould call her.
I’ve not spoken to certain someone (do the maths) in a long while. On good days we spoke on the phones and broke days texted. With her we’d talk like were in the same room.  She knew my moods and I knew her own. We spoke through tears, laughter, we’ve spoken harsh angry words and we’ve sweet endearing words. We had ground rules put in place. 1. don’t bitch and moan about an .unanswered call because it simple meant that the person was unable to answer the phone at that very moment. 2. don’t leave 25 missed calls because the first one will get my attention. Lastly one was not allowed to ride somebody else’s wave by saying “me too” at the end of a call (although I came up with a counter rule: that said one should repeat what other just said).This worked out well with kind of relationship that we had and fact that we didn’t call each other every single day. The irony of it all is we are not on speaking terms because of few text messages. We could pick up from our last phone call but that would be asking for trouble (so I would like to think).  For time being this certain someone has been put on hold……………………………….
Since some people prefer burning the midnight oil, I’ll get call from person “A” asking if I’m asleep (normally I’m drifting between sleep and wakefulness) and this question is rhetorical cause right after she’s speaking of something else.  We would then pick-up where we left of (just before the fight) and talk for another hour before we say our good mornings and sleep tights. 
There new kid on the block. She doesn’t have peak or off peak hours yena she just calls (she gotten me in this habit it’s quite expensive).Funny thing is she always nervous on the phone when she talking. She has pauses, she laughs at her jokes (dry indirect jokes) before she tells them and she picks up the phone within 3 rings.  With her you never know she very unpredictable, which makes my job of sassing her out very hard. We supposed to be pushing a deal but what we are doing is building our trust relationship after that we make our deal. I suggested a middle man, but no she prefers dealing with me personally. Which makes things very complicated, and I don’t handle complications very well. I think we would have built the trust within the first day because it’s give and take relationship, but no-one has given or taken what they should. For time being I’m going with the flow.
Then there is T… well her we used to speak once in pink moon but now we are makingup  for lost time. She has taken it open herself to tell update me on what’s happening in joburg (specifically about certain people). Both of us strive on these conversations but there is underling agenda to them. All I’m going to say is that we both either pulling in different directions or pulling towards each other, but don’t like think about it too much…. Compared to the relationship with person ‘I’, I think me and person ‘T’ we like to blindside the truth (it’s better that way).   

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